Flower of Life / Light-web

repost from: http://cafenamaste.com/the-meaning-of-life-artfully-depicted-through-ancient-sacred-symbols/

Flower of Life
The flower of life is a sacred geometric* image, which contains within it the blueprint of creation.  It pictates the grid of energy which connects all of consciousness (all living things in the Universe), showing the Truth: we are One.  

When i first became interested in working with crystals, i simultaneously fell in love with this symbol.  It seems they both contain within them, the information needed to raise our vibration to its purest state.  In other words, they are both natural healers and supporters.  i believe this is an image of our essence - a blueprint of our original DNA.

Light-web / Repost from: http://la7rays.com/how-to-raise-your-vibrations/  

Crystal Light-Web
My vision for creating crystal necklaces, was to connect them to a light-web of love flowing throughout the Universe.  This reminds us that we are Divine Beings!  We are connected to our Highest Self for guidance and protection.  We are connected to other light-workers walking their Earth path.  We are connected to the magic of existence!  The flower of life is the perfect representation of this light-web. 

With each crystal i make, comes a card with a silver flower of life image.  This is a wonderful way to charge the crystal. Just place it under the crystal when you're not wearing it!
repost: http://in-lakech-ala-kin.tumblr.com/post/3464918140
 There is fantastic information about the flower of life, to get lost (and found) in here:
repost: http://theawakenedstate.tumblr.com/post/37018770578/the-real-knowledge-is-free-its-encoded-in-your

*Sacred Geometry is the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. It is an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. On every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric shapes."  ~ spiraloflight.com/ls_sacred.html

repost: http://www.utaot.com/2012/08/05/lupinus-texensis-leafs-growing-in-a-flower-of-life-pattern/
Would you like to see some photos of crystals {here}? or gemstones {here}?
Read about the meaning of crystals & gemstones {here}